Просмотр полной версии : Hello everyone! What are myelodysplastic syndroms and how they may be trea...

Petr Petrov
17.06.2004, 08:09
Hello everyone!
What are myelodysplastic syndroms and how they may be treated? What is the best known place to go... Russia, Canada, Israil? If possible, please, answer in Russan.
Best regards,

Doronin V.A.
17.06.2004, 15:34
Dear Peter! Under your request I respond in Russian. Mielodisplastichesky the syndrome is the generalized name of several nosological units (illnesses or diseases), each of which has the diagnostic criteria. In any case it is a question of disease of system of a hemopoiesis. Precisely answer your question I can not iz-for absence of the clinical information. Approaches to treatment, depending on a variant mielodisplasticheskogo a syndrome, too different. If material opportunities it is better to be treated abroad allow. If you have an additional information can inform it or her.