Просмотр полной версии : Under the clinical analysis of a blood the relative and absolute lymphocytosis is revealed...

09.06.2004, 17:27
Under the clinical analysis of a blood the relative and absolute lymphocytosis is revealed. Leucocytes 9.0, band 6.0, segmented 43.0, lymphocytes 48.0, eosinocytes 0.0, bazofily 0.0, lymphocytes abs 3.9, lymphocytes of % 43.4. What is it can be? Also what probably to do or make (what analyses) for greater definiteness?

13.06.2004, 12:19
At All of you by way of.

15.06.2004, 12:30
Hello, the dear doctor! Today has received result of the analysis of a blood, and I had a lowered level of leucocytes (3, 490 at norm or rate 4 10) and neutrophils (44, 9 at norm or rate 55 65), thus the raised or increased level of lymphocytes (42, 8 at norm or rate 25 40). All other parameters in norm or rate. Budte are kind, comment please on my analysis. Thanks.

17.06.2004, 08:03
Excuse, not there has written.