Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist. Anybody knows nothing, in ours poltklinike one grandmother the therapist...

The anonym
13.06.2004, 07:46
Help or Assist. Anybody knows nothing, in ours poltklinike one grandmother the therapist and the dentist, and I already die of a pain. I can not lift an arm or a hand in a brachium vom a joint. The norm or rate has made a roentgen shei-the order, plecha-the same. And hurts strongly. Well though something! I know you do not give medicines on the Internet, but I izmotona a pain at all. If nne will advise nichego-directly with itself pokonchu-I cry or pay simply. Katya. To me of 37 years.

14.06.2004, 14:18
At us in a province doctors too weak. I went in the center and there me treated in a neurology unit acupuncture. At you a jamming of a nerve or still or even what trauma. Restful can help or assist (valerjanka, grasses)

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
15.06.2004, 15:24
Katya, please, it is not necessary such extreme measures. Write to me on the address, pro_med@mail. ru. I shall appoint or nominate to you treatment and a pain will leave. Here paint the scheme or plan I can not, that patients have not apprehended the prescription to general action.

16.06.2004, 14:57
Thanks huge to you, the doctor. I all medicines the purchase, at me am friends, to me sdelalajut all nyxes and fiziolechenie are at us, I shall agree. Thanks, thanks!!!