Просмотр полной версии : My body height of 160 sm, and I weigh of 50 kg. Earlier I always weighed 48 49 kg and was up to...

15.06.2004, 08:52
My body height of 160 sm, and I weigh of 50 kg. Earlier I always weighed 48 49 kg and was happy or enough. Ate always much, but did not recover. And this superfluous killogram not so arranges me, therefore as legs or foots and breeches have recovered. How to clean or remove this killogram?

16.06.2004, 01:27
My God well and a problem! Yes do not eat you simply after six evenings and less. Business or affairs that's all. And in general it is better to borrow or occupy in sports.

16.06.2004, 13:13
Problems in it or this are not present. You only should dump or reset pair kg? It can be made for couple of weeks absolutely comfortably. If for you it is really important - communicate with me by mail helth@euro. ru.