Просмотр полной версии : Dear Vadim Anatolevich! I in despair! To me of 37 years. I live in Alma-Ate (...

Lija (Almaty)
09.06.2004, 20:13
Dear Vadim Anatolevich! I in despair! To me of 37 years. I live in Alma-Ate (Kazakhstan). More than 6 months nobody can define or determine, that with me. I am assured, that something bad with limfosistemoj in the field of a neck (at the left). Has begun with a painless edema mucous in a throat at the left (has not choked nearly). This edema periodically decreased and moved vverh-downwards (from gajmorovyh sinuses up to the extremity or end of a trachea (in this case a thermalgia behind a breast bone, as at a tracheitis). The edema was not removed or not taken out by anything. A saliva very viscous or viscid, trudnoglotaemaja. Was at LORa-the surgeon, LORa-the allergist, the Endocrinologist, has made esophagoscopy, a computer tomography golovy-shei-a thorax, a roentgenophotography, the analysis on AIDS, on the Lues, on the Cytomegalovirus. To LORu-to the oncologist have told or said it is not necessary yet. All have told or said it is necessary to treat a head. Went to the psychotherapist. Was at mycologists. Have found and have cured essential oils Aktinomitset, Kandidu, Pennitsillium. The simplification is not present. Of other researches to me suggested to make only the developed or unwrapped general or common analysis of a blood. Have told or said an infectious lymphocytosis. Last given Lymphocytes - 57, leucocytes - 3, 9 rest within the limits of norm or rate. Have told or said a red branch almost normal, and white - bad. Blasts are not present, plasmocytes were - now are not present. Lymphocytes fine-grained. Was gipersegmentatsija-now is not present. The Body temperature all time 35, 9 36, 2. Constant wild delicacy. Losses of appetite are not present. Losses of weight are not present. All problems and negative sensations from the left party or side: there were pains in a neck at the left, a brachium, an arm or a hand (a pain pulling, nojushchajaja and exhausting), an easy or a light;a mild numbness of a skin at the left on the face, an arm or a hand, in a neck at the left kak-as if something utolshchennoe (such sensation), the edema in a throat and a nasopharynx does not pass or take place absolutely, periodically inflames mucous as at an angina, it is difficult to swallow, " of "rigid" respiration, a "rigid" swallowing, rez in opinion of, often arises need or requirement otsmorknut. otsmarkivaetsja the same colorless viscous or viscid liquid, as a saliva. But after otsmarkivanija there comes short-term simplification (as though the edema "leaves" through a nose). Earlier at night and it was much easier in the morning, now is worse.
The doctor, for God's sake, prompt, where to me to address, what researches can be made, what is it can be? We have a hematological center, but experts there, by virtue of the certain reasons, does not remain (who in Rosiii, who zarubezhom). All medicine in a private or an individual variant and all - "ACADEMICIANS". I am afraid to delay an oncology if she there is. I cannot normally live, I wish to have time to grow up the son. Just in case, mine ades lika_b@hotmail. com. In advance to you it is very grateful. The hope has still remained.

Ermakov A.I.
10.06.2004, 17:42
Dear Lija! It is very complex or difficult to judge character of illness or disease under such story. All zhe-that on the computer tomogram (a head, a neck, a breast)? Whether there are increased lymphonoduses? If da-to do or make a biopsy if is not present (that, most likely, removes or takes out the diagnosis limfomy), it is necessary to speak all the same with the allergist, to put assays, and, likely, to do or make dopplerovskoe research of veins of a neck and to search for a clottage, and also EHO-a cardiography (an exudate in a pericardium.) you, unfortunately, not that variant to solve on the Internet. Vadim Anatolevich also will join, if you want, is simple now my turn. Yours faithfully, A.I.Ermakov

Lija (Almaty)
11.06.2004, 10:12
Uv. Alexander Igorevich! Many thanks for the answer. I did or made the computer tomogram on February, 7th 2001. The conclusion was allergic rinosinusit. But allergists have tried on me all agents accessible to them, all is ineffectual. At this research doctors strange with lymphonoduses have not seen anything, though already then at me two lymphonoduses about a pea of the left back party or side of a neck were probed or palpated. I shall try to find (and to make) the researches recommended by you. I can repeatedly address to you after that? Once again thanks. Yours faithfully, Lija Bushmeleva.

Ermakov A.I.
12.06.2004, 08:12
Dear Lija! Certainly, lymphonoduses in size about a pea cannot cause or call an edema with disturbance of respiration and a compression of nerves. If want, write to the address of aiermakov@mail. ru results of inspections. Also it is important to know, when and as all has begun for the first time with what you can connect the beginning of illness or disease, than you in general hurted or were ill;were sick in a life. Better on el. To mail.

13.06.2004, 16:59
Hello. To me of 50 years. 2 back to me have diagnosed: nehodzhkinskaja limfoma V-cellular. Localization in the right forearm about an elbow. There is a destruction of a bone, metabolic changes. Trepanation of a bone has been made, the material for the analysis is taken. It is surveyed by US and Rengenoskopija. In internal organs and lymphonoduses it is not revealed zlokach. Educations. A blood in norm or rate.
The irradiation locally is appointed or nominated.
Question: 1) whether the chemotherapy is shown in this case? If yes, aggressive or not so? 2) what else it is necessary to make analyses for an establishment of more exact diagnosis?
3) whether remission with such disease and full convalescence is possible or probable? Yours faithfully, Lyudmila from Lithuania.