Просмотр полной версии : Hello, would like to spend cleaning of an organism, speak, that is necessary objazat...

Tatyana of 40 years
12.06.2004, 16:53
Hello, would like to spend cleaning of an organism, speak, that it is necessary to begin with cleaning GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT / at menja-that aches a bit pechen/, prompt, please, any safe way of clearing in house conditions. Thanks, I wish you a sound health.

Egorov I.V.
12.06.2004, 20:15
" Cleaning an organism " is very responsible or crucial and uneasy action. How much well you know a status of what be going to to clean? I not against "cleaning" but to spend it or she follows, leaning or basing to the aid of the real doctor and after carrying out of inspection...