Просмотр полной версии : AFTER gemostaziogrammy the conclusion a hypercoagulation, sl. polozh. RKMF, it is pregnant...

11.06.2004, 02:46
AFTER gemostaziogrammy the conclusion a hypercoagulation, sl. polozh. RKMF, pregnancy of 13 weeks. Aspirinum on 1 tablet for the night is registered??? (Why) in a day, so to say for a colliquation of a blood. Whether he is safe for a fetus? Whether there Is what that still preparations, whether it is harmful? Whether or it is necessary to wait and it is normal on such terms?

Doronin V.A.
12.06.2004, 11:39
Hypercoagulation concept wide enough. It is necessary to know a kind of disturbance of coagulation precisely. Aspirinum influences only aggregation of thrombocytes (t. e. On their ability to stick together among themselves). In general, on the basis of data of one analysis to do or make final conclusions difficultly. At pregnancy of disturbance of coagulation can be and without any pathological reasons.