Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say kto-pibud how to get rid of these or it preslavutyh "golife"? All life...

09.06.2004, 17:09
Tell or Say kto-pibud how to get rid of these or it preslavutyh "golife"? All life I suffer from full legs or foots and breeches what to do or make I do not know.

Inna R
09.06.2004, 23:00
To struggle is better in a complex
- The primary positive approach and a spirit. Support of your close environment.
- It is better to reduce weight under observation of experts.
- A basis of any weight reduction the low-calorie balanced diets. Are most effective in this plan SCHZP. (www. estetik-s. com) They provide negative power balance, our organism with all necessary nutrients, and as normalization and activization of the basic exchange.
- It is necessary to increase an exercise stress at which Adeps is burnt most effectively. It is established or installed, that by way of treatment of excess weight loads of small intensity, but enduring - for example, walking within an hour per day or tonic chargings or charges per style of dancing aerobics are optimum.
- At application SCHZP the feeling of famine, t is simply enough overcome. To. They are directed and on overcoming of feeling of famine. If to you nevmogotu, we recommend a psychotherapy or a stylostixis. It is not necessary to resort to pharmacological agents.
- Try to change habits of a delivery and a way of life. It will help or assist you to keep weight and a figure in norm or rate in the further.
- For struggle against a cellulitis and local adiposities in addition use local procedures. On a background of the complex approach they yield magnificent results due to normalization of an exchange and vodno-saline balance.
- Use liposaktsii when local procedures do not help or assist. However it is necessary to understand, what is it surgical operation with all following consequences.
- Constantly be on communication or connection with the expert coordinating your program.

10.06.2004, 15:24
Thanks huge for such full and interesting answer.

The well-wisher
11.06.2004, 13:10
It would not be desirable to spoil so full picture, but... I Shall warn from lipoksatsii. Besides complications from a surgical intervention, cases retsediva (repeated education of adjournment), but already in the most unexpected places - in a lap, calfs, breeches are too frequent... There Is also other way (here it or he kak-that was offered by knowing people). It is riding. At employment or occupations by these sports the cores for a figure of a muscle - legs or foots, femurs, a stomach or belly, arms or hand, a breast train all. Riding breeches and a cellulitis are removed or taken out slowly, but it is reliable. Well, about emotional and and obshcheozhdorovitelnyj I do not speak effect. Try or taste. You always will have time to reach the surgeon.