Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor! At me has inflamed limfotichesky the site below a level of an inguen, p...

Yana, 26 years
10.06.2004, 10:35
The dear Doctor! At me has inflamed limfotichesky the site below a level of an inguen, practically in district of the left big sexual labium, and already in size with a small egg. A pain not so such acute, it is simple sometimes nojushchaja. Prompt please what to do or make. We in raojne do not have such experts.

Doronin V.A.
10.06.2004, 15:07
If the augmentation of a lymphonodus is not connected with the infectious reason it is necessary to do or make its or his biopsy. Whether It is desirable to know other groups of lymphonoduses are increased? In any case complex survey of the doctor is necessary.
Your coordinates can inform on an e-mail address:
vadim_doronin@mail. ru (in the address between a name and a surname underlining or emphasis).