Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me a following problem... During the last not...

09.06.2004, 08:45
The dear doctor! At me a following problem...
During last several days (week), there was a strange sensation in a throat. It seems, as though something is stirred or prevented, it would be desirable to swallow of all time. The sensation is similar that the throat swells (when longly you do not swallow, apparently, that on a throat something flows down). When you do or make swallowing movement nothing occurs or happens... Nothing is swallowed. All these factors are accompanied by one more unpleasant moment: there is a feeling of shortage of oxygen. As though I nemogu to inhale...
Precisely to tell or say where this that" costs or stands I can not, but on sensations in district of a nasopharynx...
The unpleasant moments become less expressed after a dream, by the evening becomes worse...
Now I rinse a throat, but it does not give due effect...
I ask you, help or assist... What is it can be and to to me to address...

Yours faithfully, Leonid, 24 years.

Zholudev A.A.
10.06.2004, 04:02
Dear Leonid! Similar on a subatrophic laryngitis. Address to the otolaryngologist.