Просмотр полной версии : COMRADES gerbalajfery both growing thin and fans BADov! I Shall forgive or excuse you to pass a floor...

The anonym
04.06.2004, 10:16
COMRADES gerbalajfery both growing thin and fans BADov! I Shall forgive or excuse you to pass a floor below in conference "Psychiatrist" " because given konfa it is considered or examined;surveyed as konsalt on dietetic therapy. And it has turned out musorka. Therefore I urgently recommend the activity to curtail or turn or since tomorrow similar reports will leave.

The anonym
05.06.2004, 14:29
I have found for myself 2 optimum variants: 1) liquid tvorozhok with bran, fruit and a sour-milk drink. 2) there is some porridge from groats (without milk), fruit and coffee. By the way, one familiar doctor from clinic " ", has advised to eat every morning on a plateau of a buckwheat cereal (without milk), and your liver that it is not terrible. It is possible during the lunchtime though vodka with bacon to use

The anonym
06.06.2004, 22:55
You esteem, here in general the doctor of conference it is not visible, one clowns.

The anonym
08.06.2004, 12:38
Tov. Administration, I welcome your desire to put things in order.. To publish something like Instructions for use a forum that all was understood unequivocally? Then, whether you musorkoj vskie Marusi, Klavy, empty and nichegonesoderzhashchie consider or count retorts? Well and the third: clearly, that to all has bothered, but let's respect each other. A problem pohudanija - a real problem of the population of many countries, instead of an attribute of madness. Success! Useful business do or make.

The anonym
09.06.2004, 09:46
Yes, I shall be waved, you are right, as always! Concordant with you Klava:-)

Who here jokes?
09.06.2004, 20:24
I testify - the given letter skopirovanno from a forum "dietarian", he really directs or refers all on a forum "is grown thin", instead of "psychiatrist". Really it is impossible to conduct conference without similar idiotic jokes and other dust? At what here the psychiatrist?