Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Recently has passed or has taken place general or common diagnostics of an organism in one somniteln...

08.06.2004, 05:50
Hello! Recently has passed or has taken place general or common diagnostics of an organism in one doubtful clinic. Among diagnoses to me has been informed, that I have worms in a liver. At me greater or big doubts on this bill. Where you would advise will be checked up only on presence of worms in a liver to be assured or confident, that the diagnosis exact. In advance thanks!

09.06.2004, 14:16
Zachkm you, Lena, go to doubtful clinic. Not srvsem the term " worms in a liver " is clear. Address to usual infektsionistu or gelmintologu.

09.06.2004, 16:39
Under definition worms in a liver means opistarhoz and a lambliasis (if to not treat, consequences can be plachevnymi-a hepatitis, holetsestit, a cirrhosis). Now under the analysis of a blood it is possible to reveal presence or absence of parasites.