Просмотр полной версии : Uvajaemii Doctor! Skajite pojaluista, mojno li mne prinimat aloe vera pri a...

The anonym
04.06.2004, 21:01
Uvajaemii Doctor! Skajite pojaluista, mojno li mne prinimat aloe vera pri acid reflux i v kakom kolichestve, tak je ou menia est kista gde to okolo dvoux santimetrov? Ne vredno li primeniat aloe-vera pri kiste. Bolshoe Spasibo! S Novim Godom Vas i Vashix blizkix!

Shapovalova L.M.
06.06.2004, 23:49
Hello, Scarlet the Belief not harmfully to accept at an acidic reflux and a cyst. But at an acidic reflux it is necessary to define or determine prichnu - probably it is the raised or increased nervous excitability, and it is possible or probable also a hyperoxemia - in the first case it is necessary to try or taste soft restful, the course will help or assist with the second - fermentoterapii - a complex of digestive and vegetative enzymes for 40 60 mines up to meal. At a cyst it is necessary to accept Vitamin E (better natural) and omega-3 PNZHK from cod-liver oil.

09.06.2004, 09:07
Dear Lyudmila Mihajlovna!

Thanks you for your answer. Here sell aloe-vera juices if it will not burden you, do not prompt how much once a day to me it is necessary to accept this juice and how much days. I know. That I have the hyperoxemia, what enzymes, additives you can advise me, can you know names of preparations.
Big to you Thanks!