Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. Excruciates 2 months tussis with singing, dry, the last 2 ned...

04.06.2004, 23:33
The dear doctor. Excruciates 2 months tussis with singing, dry, last 2 weeks with neprjatnym a smell. Did or made a roentgen in 3 - h projections - it's OK. In a blood have found pnevmo chlamydias. prolesilas summamedom 6 days - any rez-tov. Whether there can be it tussis from these chlamydias? Very much disturbs a unpleasant smell. Whether there were such cases? It can a cancer?. Already neznaju what to do or make and than to treat. Was at 4 lung specialists, 3 therapists, and result any. What will you advise?

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
08.06.2004, 02:38
March, it is necessary to exclude pathological process in lungs. It is necessary to spend a computer tomography. The analysis of a sputum handed over? In occasion of a clamidiosis consultation vracha-infektsionista is necessary.