Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The second week kashljuju. In the beginning of the last week was temperatu...

06.06.2004, 09:54
The second week kashljuju. In the beginning of the last week there was a temperature 38, then kept 37, 5, 37. In chetverg-Friday the temperature became 36, 7 36, 8 and derzhitsja till now. Vyzyvannyj on the house the doctor 2 minutes has diagnosed "bronchitis", has written out amoksitsilin, brongeksin, mother and the stepmother. In the extremity or end of the last week already other doctor has written out antigrippin, bronhosan and paratsitomol (" for the night that has not inflamed "). In a drugstore instead of antigrippina and paratsitomola distances pentaflutsin. Saws of all this has put. Tussis does not pass or take place. Today since morning kashlil with primisju bloods (something red). There are painful sensations from a back in district kontsa-below scapulas.
The doctor, advise as to act or arrive and what to do or make. Has terribly bothered to hurt or be ill;be sick. leha33@mail. ru

Zholudev A.A.
07.06.2004, 14:38
Dear Alexey! It is necessary for you to make the analysis of a blood and roentgenography of organs of a thorax. On signs described by you it is impossible to exclude development of a pneumonia.