Просмотр полной версии : To me vrach-the orthopedist has told or said to drink a calcium. I have bought or purchased Calcium 3. But pojavil...

05.06.2004, 07:50
To me vrach-the orthopedist has told or said to drink a calcium. I have bought or purchased Calcium 3. But there were problems with a chair. Whether is kaltsevye preparations without any consequences.

Shapovalova L.M.
06.06.2004, 04:24
Hello, Oleg. The carbonate of a calcium enters into Calcium 3 Nikomed and he really gives by-effects on GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - constipations and a meteorism. Less problems gives application gidroksiapatita a calcium, especially, if he is balanced on a magnesium. And it is possible to try to eat a carbonate of a calcium after meal and to wash down with a lemon juice, it is good to accept simultaneously thus asparkam or Pananginum, or already at once to accept the balanced calcium complex.