Просмотр полной версии : Whether respond, please, has sense to accept an extract of green tea in kaps...

01.06.2004, 14:53
Whether respond, please, has sense to accept an extract of green tea in capsules, in fact he is very useful, but unless it or him will drink in a usual kind much?

05.06.2004, 02:37
Hello! Can accept green tea in capsules, more often green tea in capsules is used as an auxiliary agent at the control over mass of a body, and also obshcheukrepljajushchee at mental and physical overwork. Green tea in capsules differs from what we use as a drink. It is enough to tell or say, that at zavarivanii tea collapses or is blasted more half of useful substances. Efficiency of reception of one capsule can be compared to the use of 4 5 cups of green tea.
Accept green tea on 1 3 capsules in day, washing down with water, during meal. In connection with the expressed tonic effect, it is recommended to accept in first half of day. to. In green tea the coffeine this product to faces suffering an arterial hypertonia contains is not necessary to accept. In our drugstore you can get Vitatera capsules of green tea pr-in French laboratory Vitarmonil, 1 packing (90 capsules) costs or stands 299 roubles. Our phone: 956 00 55, you also can issue the order through the Internet, our address: www. aptekaonline. ru

06.06.2004, 03:02
Has reserved this preparation - in you in a drugstore. Can, I that have not understood, but to me instead of Green Tea Vitatera have brought too Green Tea, but firms of Natures the Product. I so polazila on an Internet, also have understood, that 316 rbl. which I have paid, for Vitatery - is cheap, and to Natures of the Product - is dear or expensive very much. Though one and too, too 90 capsules, but remain sensation, that, forgive or excuse, nadurili. On a site one picture, you will reserve, and will bring another, not having asked. Vobshchem, the deposit has remained.