Просмотр полной версии : Hello. After the analysis of a blood, the therapist has directed to a hematologist (iron?)...

01.06.2004, 07:52
Hello. After the analysis of a blood, the therapist has directed to a hematologist (iron?). Whether Dostatochno-for konsultatsi a trace. Parameters (the General or Common belok-70.4,
bilirubin-13.8, a cholesterin obshchij-5.84, ZHELEZO-3.2, AlAT-13, Asat-18, fosfataza shchelochnaja-102,
kreatinfosfokinaza and amilaza-42, gljukoza-5, 2,
gemoglobin-150, lejkotsity-7.5, palochkojadernye-1, segmentojadernye-56, eozinofily-5, bazofily-1, limfotsity-28, monotsity-9, rate of a sedimentation eritrotsitov-5)? If is not present, whether that delajut-the expanded analysis in laboratory at an out-patient department?
Mogli-you something to write about these results. Thanks.

05.06.2004, 03:12
Hello! It is possible to learn or find out, what for you try to think for your doctor? He has directed you on consultation. Has given with itself an extract or analyses. He has counted, that it is enough of it or this for consultation. You recheck it or him? If to a hematologist ponadobjatsja he them will appoint or nominate additional analyses (what for, including, you to it or him;them also send).