Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I wish to know about gumizol...

01.06.2004, 04:42
Hello! I wish to know about gumizol

04.06.2004, 19:24
Hello! GUMISOLUM - 0, 01 % a solution of fractions guminovyh acids haapsaluskoj a sea medical mud in an isotonic solution of sodium of Sodium chloridum. Possesses properties of biogenic stimulators. Terapevtichssky the effect is close to the effect received at application of a medical mud. Apply at chronic and subacute radiculites, plexites, a neuralgia, a pseudorheumatism in the inactive form, infectious nonspecific polyarthrites, arthroses, chronic diseases of a middle ear and adnexal or additional sinuses of a nose, chronic pharyngitises, rhinites and other diseases. Apply Gumisolum intramusculary or by an electrophoresis. Intramusculary enter, since 1 ml, daily in the first 2 - 3 days; at a good acceptability continue introduction on 2 ml once a day during 20 - 30 days. Course of treatment can be repeated through 3 - 6 months At a parodontosis enter intramusculary (1 - 2 ml into day) and in a transitive cord or crimp of a mucosa of an oral cavity (1 - 2 ml). Course of treatment of 30 injections. Yours faithfully, Vadim Viktorovich.