Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To my husband 31 year, during a backfilling at it or him neproizvoln...

03.06.2004, 04:47
The dear doctor! To my husband 31 year, during a backfilling at it or him consensually twitch either a leg or foot or an arm or a hand, sometimes both that and another. And as a whole in a status of wakefulness - reaction at it or him a little bit braked, for example, not at once answers a question, and the interlocutor reflects so, that, having waited, vynuzhen to repeat a question. The given phenomena I observe during all joint life - 13 years. Began to seem, that they are aggravated. The husband in turn does not feel a dyscomfort, movements in a dream does not remember, feels well. About what the given signs can speak? Thanks for the answer!

Zholudev A.A.
03.06.2004, 21:47
Your husband is necessary for consulting at the neuropathologist.