Просмотр полной версии : At me the hemoglobin 106, whether is this and what agent is most e...

02.06.2004, 03:03
At me the hemoglobin 106, whether is this and what agent is the most effective for its or his raising?

Ermakov A.I.
03.06.2004, 02:25
As always, all depends on why the hemoglobin decreases. Considering, that the most frequent reason of an anemia at zhenshchin-deficiency of iron, it is necessary to measure its or his level, and at snizhenii-to begin reception preparkatov a gland.

03.06.2004, 17:11
Otvette please, at me onemija and at my children, me put group of risk, what from this follows, whether there is at me a hope to be ill in doljnejshem lejkimiej and at my children? Thanks.