Просмотр полной версии : Lyudmila Mihajlovna, I heard that indoly pomagajut at oncologic problems...

01.06.2004, 23:16
Lyudmila Mihajlovna, whether I heard that indoly pomagajut at oncologic problems so it?

Shapovalova L.M.
03.06.2004, 01:45
Yes, it is valid so. And not only indoly - polyPhenolums, bioflavonoidy, polynonsaturated fat acids omega-3, askorbaty, - very much many natural bonds have carotenoids, polysaccharides of mushrooms and bacteria antitumoral properties and can work as onkoprotektory, uluchshchait quality of a life and its or her duration even on end-stages of tumoral process, to strengthen efficiency and to reduce collateral effety chemio and radial therapy and to help or assist will recover after operation.