Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! Whether it is possible or probable, that from 1/4 tablets in day Bromokreptina very much...

28.05.2004, 15:20
Whether it is possible or probable, what from 1/4 tablets in day Bromokreptina very strongly it would be desirable to sleep?
Like I would eat both vegetables and fruit as it is usual, but have started to accept this medicine and constantly I feel ustalos and any detachment.
And in a week I need to increase a dose.

30.05.2004, 12:33
Hello, Irina. Bromocriptinum can cause depression of arterial pressure, is possible or probable for this reason you would like to sleep. Check a level of the arterial pressure if it has really gone down to you will help or assist to lift it or him reception of coffee or strong tea (or to destination the doctor the coffeine). Yours faithfully, elena Ivanovna.

01.06.2004, 11:55
znachit gipertonikam mozhna sovetovat prinimat etot preparat?

02.06.2004, 15:29
Hello, Andrey. No. The Side effect develops very seldom as medicinal preparation for pressure decrease to apply is inexpedient. Yours faithfully, Elean Ivanovna.