Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor to me 42 floor female Sometimes in the mornings I feel a lung of goals or heads...

29.05.2004, 14:14
The dear doctor to me 42 floor female
Sometimes in the mornings I feel an easy or a light;a mild giddiness.
Pressure thus normal. Heard, that after
30 years need profilakticheski to be drunk "Kaventon" or
"Nootrapil". Whether respond please follows without
The special reasons to accept a medicine of it or this of some
And if yes how correctly to do or make it
Yours faithfully Yana.

Solomatov V.G. www.dr-solomatov.ru
30.05.2004, 11:10
The dear Yana, profilakticheski to accept medicines - it is NOT NECESSARY. All. Org. Zdravoohr. Has brought in last list of diseases some tens zabolevanij-complications owing to reception of medicinal preparations. Your giddiness is probably connected with a status of your cervical department poozvonochnika (m. to read through on our site in corresponding or meeting sections more in detail) and in any case with a status zheludochno-an intestinal tract, including liver. Idea of preventive reception of medicines usilenno spread farm. Firms - to it or him;them the population is favourable to sit down on a hook. But ask to itself a simple question why prior to the beginning 90 h years, during "deficiency" of medicines, people were much more healthy and now at their abundance suffer much more strongly. In percentage terms to incomes many medicines cost even more dearly or expensively than now. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century