Просмотр полной версии : Hello All. Whether It would be desirable to learn or find out who tried or tasted on itself honey mass...

22.05.2004, 11:44
Hello All. Whether It would be desirable to learn or find out who on itself tried or tasted honey massage, speak well pomagaet, we Deduce or Remove all slags, clears deeply a skin and improves krovobrashchenie, Has started to do or make at the skilled or experienced expert massage on legs or foots and breeches, whether It would be desirable to learn or find out who tried or tasted the same massage on a stomach or belly in house conditions?

23.05.2004, 13:36
I was very much helped or assisted by it at the beginning. I too did or made domiciliary. The main thing - to not forget about sports and a diet! Otherwise the result will not be! All these massages, certainly, painfully. I wish patience, the result will not keep waiting!

24.05.2004, 02:13
na zhivote ochen bolno. u menya voobsche tolku ne bulo!

26.05.2004, 05:58
Tried or Tasted, very fine, but at me the allergy on honey (a dermal itch with an edema) has begun

28.05.2004, 09:36
Probovala na spine. O4en xopowo pomogaet ot xondroza. Mne ponravilos, xotja i nemnogo boleznenno. Zato potom klass!

29.05.2004, 20:39
And what is this honey massage?