Просмотр полной версии : I from you fanateju, people... HOW to me TO RECOVER KGS ON 20??? AAA!...

22.05.2004, 02:17
I from you fanateju, people... HOW to me TO RECOVER KGS ON 20??? AAA!!! No sports help or assist - I and so already "pumped up", but THIN... Meat takes off, as in a pipe... Vitamins of more than three tablets vsyo-peerly cannot be eaten: ((186 body height - 62 kilo weight: ((Where mine 20 kilo!!!: ((20 years: ((
Here... That for dolbanaja a life:)

22.05.2004, 12:20
I do not understand something, you badly look or appear? You Think few girls, which baldejut on thin men (and you besides also "pumped up"). You have any problems in this occasion (I do not carp, simply question)? What for to you of 20 kg., with Adeps to rage:)? I bf weighs 90 at body height 187. so I consider or count, that is possible (and it is necessary) much less. I write, that I wish to grow thin (I 88* 65* 92, weight 52), but voobshche-that I look or appear well and to you I advise to not twitch!!! Success!

23.05.2004, 12:15
If absolutely it excruciates you, in your case it is necessary to do or make all on the contrary, than at growing thin. It is Less telodvizheny, eat (not necessarily meat, but also everyones vkusnosti, "fat contents", carbohydrates) more. You can throw sports. And if you can not without sports then road takaja-lean on alimentary additives, increase muscular mass, due to it or her you will seem more. Better a muscle, than Adeps. And then, you only 20 let-your kg still ahead. I have on an example such, already, a man. Success!!!

Shapovalova L.M.
25.05.2004, 01:25
Index of mass of a body 17, 9 almost norm or rate (18). So it is not necessary to chase for 20 kg. In due course will type or collect.

26.05.2004, 00:01
Children or Guys help or assist me! I 185/62. It strongly excruciates me - t. To. Everyone scoff over me and humiliate and I and words I can not tell or say, therefore as thin, as a skeleton! That only did not try or taste - nothing has helped or assisted both sports and a delivery and sports + a delivery..

26.05.2004, 10:09
Heh, at us you identical razvesovki - and that scoff: I here am sensitive isolation ward podzanjalsja... So in this occasion to me you will not cling - the guy go to a hall... In the street, certainly, fingers you do not leave or you abandon, but you will feel yourself more confidently. Here only you there will not find weight... To all: thanks for answers, but vsyo-taki it a little... At all animal force to have grasps something within the limits of 94/74/75 it is simply awful... I do not wish to believe in it, but, speak, after 20 it already - "constitution" and you will change nothing...
Eh, only you try something to change - already advise "to not twitch":)) it is usual - on the contrary always:)

27.05.2004, 12:25
Dmitry, you very beautiful the man))

27.05.2004, 17:56
Children or Guys if you it is valid so wish to put on weight, without belkovo-protein koktelej to you to not manage. The cocktail is accepted together with meal three times a day. On taste it is similar to a children's cocktail ice-cream with milk. The Formula 1 is called. Its or his problem or task to give an organism all necessary nutritious elements. And believe to me having received many these elements, something is obligatory at you will be late and will go on advantage or benefit. Abra-kadabra it has certainly turned out, but I think all clearly. Thanks for attention.

28.05.2004, 02:41
There is such preparation - "methandrostenolone". If correctly to apply it or him (a pack it is no more) that you will put on weight about 8 kg!

28.05.2004, 08:44
Dmitry, my son typed or collected weight, in due time to him have diagnosed a dystrophia, and now the normal guy. So if you want I can help or assist! 8 916 338 00 14

28.05.2004, 12:13
Dmitry. Kolni retabolilchiku. System ask in the same hall children or guys more powerfully.

29.05.2004, 18:14
Steroids?.. Weight, fortunately, for me not end in itself. Normal heroes always go around:) Thanks for responses; my motivation has sharply gone uphill, owing to you, perfect polovinki mankinds:))-, `-,-:)
And to guys and so it is clear, I think, that " a bar - rulez, imho "..
Thanks all!