Просмотр полной версии : How it is possible to grow thin at a lactemia? Earlier, up to pregnancy, was absolutely harmonously...

24.05.2004, 22:25
How it is possible to grow thin at a lactemia? Earlier, up to pregnancy, was absolutely harmonous, at body height 163 weighed 48. After sorts or labors I weigh 55, on breeches, femurs and legs or foots it is a lot of Adeps. What to do or make? I at all do not know, how it is necessary to grow thin, never faced this problem earlier. Whether there are the special doctors who were deal with this problem? And whether shorts which advertise or promote on the TV operate or work? Prompt, please! Thanks.

26.05.2004, 04:25
(1) I up to pregnancy was 166/68. During a lactemia has grown thin up to 57 kg. Without what that of efforts - from one feedback of milk + sports. (2) these or it;this dietarians are engaged, but they do not advise to get on a a diet during a lactemia is harmfully both for health of the child and for yours. Whether (3) I do not know shorts help or assist, but they so naterajut legs or foots, that it is practically impossible to wear them (my experience).