Просмотр полной версии : At my husband (27 years) a hypertonia. 2, 5 years ago laid in hospital after sk...

18.05.2004, 19:15
At my husband (27 years) a hypertonia. 2, 5 years ago laid in hospital after jump (top more than 200) 3 weeks. As the reason of a hypertonia have defined or determined, that the liver does not develop or produce any hormone which holds pressure in norm or rate (as I have understood it). The Attending physician has recommended a saltless or an electrolyte-deficient diet and Prestarium at the raised or increased pressure on 1 tab. A demon salt is will not turn out, a cut of that he smokes. As a result frequent headaches iz-for raised or increased pressure (last night was 150 100). I very much voolnujus, that in such regimen vessels will not sustain also my husband at young enough age will receive an insult... pordskazhite how to behave with taki the diagnosis what to do or make, when pressure raises or increases, and what mark critical for a call of first aid. Thanks big, I very much for it or him experience

Bolshakova M.A.
22.05.2004, 04:30
Most likely, speech about not about a liver, and about kidneys. Your husband the young man. The reasonable diet, not only bezsolevaja, but also the lowered quantity or amount of a cholesterin is necessary to him. Struggle against a hypodynamia and refusal of smoking is necessary. Without it or this medicamental influences will be poorly effective. Try once again to him it to explain. At it or him, certainly, high risk of an insult and serdechno-vascular diseases