Просмотр полной версии : Zravstvujte, the doctor. At my son of 12 years DS: hronicheskafja idiopathic tr...

19.05.2004, 20:09
Zravstvujte, the doctor. At my son of 12 years DS: hronicheskafja an idiopathic Werlhof's disease (serious) with number of thrombocytes 50 and below plus br. An asthma. A secondary immunodeficiency. Were treated viferonom. On the Moscow immunogram the spontaneous proliferation of lymphocytes and the answer on F-mitogen is sharply raised or increased. Our local immunologist does not know, what is it such. Help or assist to get rid of terrible ideas. Thanks.

20.05.2004, 15:32
You have passed or missed my question from July, 10th.

Ermakov A.I.
21.05.2004, 22:41
Dear Elena, I the question has not passed or missed, simply it would not be desirable to respond formally, and to look or see still the literature on these syndromes. Difficultly precisely to tell or say, whether these changes by treatment or an initial status are caused or called. In any case the bronchial asthma and a thrombocytopenia, most likely, are secondary in relation to an immunodeficiency. " Terrible ideas " - whether zlokachestvenna a proliferation of lymphocytes? I think, that is not present. Try to ask the same question allergo-to the immunologist (the very first conference), and I still shall look or see the literature and I shall try to respond once again. Can write by mail aiermakov@mail. ru