Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether it is possible to accept vitamins Vitrum Superstress elderly chelov...

14.05.2004, 09:49
Hello! Whether it is possible to accept vitamins Vitrum Superstress to the elderly person (to the woman, 75 years). The old person dlit time nahod. In a dejectedness, experiences. Medicines in general accepts a little, silnodejstv., restful not upotrebl.. I do not know, something can still offer or suggest

18.05.2004, 03:46
I shall add still, that at the grandmother bolnaja a liver (if it plays any role in upotr. Vitamins)

20.05.2004, 13:18
Hello, Natalia. Your grandmother can spend on drink Vitrum Superstress (on 1 piece at breakfast). Yours faithfully, Svetlana Vladimirovna.