Просмотр полной версии : The daughter, 7 months. The diagnosis - purpura trambotsitopenicheskaja. Treatment klassichesk...

18.05.2004, 20:51
The daughter, 7 months. The diagnosis - purpura trambotsitopenicheskaja. Treatment classical - Prednisolonum. Whether there is at you a statistics of such diseases. Whether Primenima here transplantation of an osteal brain (or something the newest) and where it probably to make. As the splenectomy can be reflected in an organism.
Thankful in advance.

Doronin V.A.
19.05.2004, 19:31
The idiopathic Werlhof's disease meets frequency 1.5 2 on 100000 children's population. The first line of therapy is purpose or appointment of steroid hormones (Prednisolonum). Sometimes, especially in cases of the expressed hemorrhagic syndrome with threat for a life, appoint or nominate high doses of an immunoglobulin. It allows to stop quickly a hemorrhagic syndrome, but the steady long answer usually to receive it is not possible. Transplantation of an osteal brain at the given disease do not use. A splenectomy also one of the basic methods of treatment, and all over the world. Physical development of children after a splenectomy passes or takes place according to age specifications. In cases of a resistance to spent treatment apply alternative approaches. This question should be discussed separately.