
Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. At me 1.5 months the temperature - 36, 8 keeps...

18.05.2004, 10:49
Hello, the doctor.
At me 1.5 months the temperature - 36, 8 morning and in the evening, up to 37, 4 - keeps in the afternoon, sometimes there is no apetita, a delicacy, bad digestibility of peep, constant feeling of alarm while more nothing hurts.
The general or common analysis of a blood - in norm or rate.
SHCHitovid. A gland (uzi) - in norm or rate.
Liver - in norm or rate (ALT, billirubin...)
The analysis wet - in norm or rate.
The analysis of a feces - in norm or rate, but bad digestibility
The analysis of a blood " on sterility " - in norm or rate.
Veins. Disease - a clamidiosis - I am flied or treated 1 (but doctors speak for it or him such status uncharacteristically).
Tell or Say please what signs of diseases at me? What else zdat analyses, researches?
Thanks, Alexey.

Shirokova E.B.
19.05.2004, 08:06
Alexey! The reasons for rise in temperature set. Inspection is usual in this occasion happens long, persistent, for exception of all possible or probable reasons. I think to you first of all it is necessary to hand over the analysis of a feces on presence of pathogenic flora and an intestinal dysbacteriosis. To check up function of a thyroid gland, t. e. To hand over the analysis of a blood on hormones: TTG, 3, 4. Guards your constant sensation of alarm. It can be an attribute depresii. It is necessary to consult in this occasion to the neuropathologist, or the psychotherapist. Quite often reason of long subfebrile temperature happens disturbance at a level of the center of a thermoregulation in a brain on a background vegetativno-a vascular dystonia.
Sometimes despite of persistent searches the reason of rise in temperature and remains a riddle, and after a while the temperature is independently normalized.

Marina Borisovna
19.05.2004, 16:42
Typical picture at reception of antibiotics without covering (would like antihistamine). The problem is solved at joint reception of antibiotics and BADov SL2000ko@mtu-net. ru