Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! With Coming you! I already wrote to you - I hurted or was ill;was sick (a pharyngitis, at...

19.05.2004, 08:27
The dear doctor! With Coming you! I already wrote to you - I hurted or was ill;was sick (a pharyngitis, me hron. The pharyngitis and a rhinitis), and after - 37 temperature, sometimes heart fights, arms or hand shiver, fatigability, a dyspnea or short wind (on a ladder to be run behind bus - though I went in for sports, now I can not), pressure raised or increased (130 on? 80 like), arms or hand wet it is constant (though so a long time already), it is very hot in happens, but I do not sweat, whether and a perspiration that. Even in the morning when I wake up kak-that worst of all myself I feel, especially in a stomach or belly emptiness and sensation, I do not know as to describe. The cardiogram - tachycardia or cardiopalmus, but is normal, the analysis of a blood (clinical) - is normal, urine - is a lot of Saccharum, the therapist has told or said that has not washed to bank, I do not know, like soaps. To me the therapist has diagnosed NTSD has told or said vitamins is. An ENT has told or said to drip derinat to not hurt or not be ill;not be sick often. And still what is it can be and what it is necessary to do or make, if it NTSD? Can, still something survey? Thanks

Shirokova E.B.
19.05.2004, 13:33
Ilya! It is necessary to exclude disease of a thyroid gland. For this purpose it is necessary for you to visit or attend the endocrinologist and to hand over the analysis of a blood on hormones of a thyroid gland, and also to repeat the analysis of a blood on Saccharum and the analysis wet on Saccharum. Even at slight increase of Saccharum in a blood it is necessary to hand over, so-called, a glucose loading (the endocrinologist directs or refers).
In case disease of a thyroid gland to you will not prove to be true is necessary to be observed and treated better in occasion of nejrotsirkulatornoj dystonias at the neurologist.