Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, you could not tell about preparation IRS-19 - one of these days has bought or purchased it or him...

16.05.2004, 11:11
The doctor, you could not tell about preparation IRS-19 - one of these days has bought or purchased it or him in a drugstore for the two-year-old kid who often is ill or sick with rhinites, otites, and adenoides from us. How you think, whether he will help or assist us? Whether it is possible to combine it or him with vasoconstrictive drops? (there that of such component, how much or as far as I understand was not present..) I simply often hear about itself from mummies in a court yard, but I very much would like to learn or find out opinion of the expert. .spasibo for attention)

19.05.2004, 05:14
Hello, Creambird. Medical action IRS 19 is based or founded;established on its or his ability to raise or increase natural spetsificheky immunity. It or him apply to prophylaxis and treatment infektsionno-inflammatory diseases LOR-of organs, organs of respiration: a rhinitis, including vasculomotor, a pharyngitis, a laryngitis, an acute tonsillitis, a tracheitis, an acute and chronic bronchitis, an otitis, a sinusitis, prophylaxis of complications of a flu and other virus infections; preparation for a scheduled operative measure on LOR-organs and the postoperative period.
Joint application with vasoconstrictive drops probably.
Yours faithfully, Elena Ivanovna.