Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My daughter of 26 years. Years 6 8 at it or her became constantly cold...

18.05.2004, 00:09
Hello! My daughter of 26 years. Years 6 8 at it or her became constantly cold arms or hand and legs or foots. Pressure lowered 90 60 and its or her eyes irritates a daylight. What is it can be and what treatment? Thanks.

Zholudev A.A.
18.05.2004, 16:14
It is necessary for you to survey a daughter at the cardiologist, the neuropathologist, the oculist.
Besides I suggest to esteem clause or article from " the Family doctor ", it is possible or probable she in something will help or assist.
How to be with a hypotension
12.07.2004, the family doctor

Head serious, a palate behind a window of color of asphalt, an eye by itself are closed. " Probably, pressure skips ", - you solve and ask a tablet from the colleague. Or you make coffee of pitch density and blackness. And you it is all the same unimportant. You have passed or missed one small, but necessary action: has not measured pressure. If you have made it - would understand, that it is really necessary for you.
Meanwhile pressure - concept not simply extensible: it is strong a loose concept. That is all the accepted norm or rate as though also does not exist. Round-the-clock measurements spent in England have shown, that systolic (top) pressure changed - at healthy people! - within day from 60 up to... 240 mm of a mercurial column, diastolic (bottom) - from 30 already up to 200.. The Distance as it is visible, the huge size. But vse-taki we know one for certain - that with the years pressure raises or increases. At half of elderly men and 70 percent or interests of elderly women pressure above norm or rate, therefore about a hypertonia is known almost all.
About a hypotension (the lowered pressure) naslyshany it is less. From the point of view of a science the hypotension is a status of an organism at which systolic pressure does not exceed 100 mm of a mercurial column, and diastolic - 60 mm. Thus the tonus of venous vessels goes down, blood circulation and as the result - falls the general or common tonus of an organism is slowed down. From the everyday point of view a hypotension - something like a tsetse-fly disease at which all is perceived as through a dirty window: watchfully, vpolsluha.
Gipotonikov it is possible to break on two groups. People concern to the first, at which lowered pressure - a sign of any illness. In that case it is necessary to treat not a hypotension, and that causes it or her. It can be disturbance of a circulation, either a heart failure, or infectious diseases, or a problem with hormones - all to not re-read.
The second group includes all the others, that is for whom the lowered pressure though plohonkaja, but norm or rate.
The hypotension can be
Time or Temporary
People under influence of electromagnetic radiations, hum, vibrations are subject to a time or temporary hypotension; cause its or her and some chemical substances.
Professional hypotension - destiny of sportsmen and ballerinas: so they react to physical surplus loads.
Children, teenagers, very young girls form the third category gipotonikov: age.
In a syncope you fall?
Generally speaking, ispokon centuries or blepharons fainted girls. It is usual reaction of the organism which has not generated yet to closeness, magnetic storms, weather changing. Pressure at these extremely gentle essences can go down and iz-for fluctuations of a hormonal background.
Compassionate associates in such cases search in breast karmashkah any intimate or cardiac though with it or him it is necessary to be more cautious: Nitroglycerinum, for example, reduces pressure even more. The first, that it is necessary to make, is to lay the person. In horizontal position blood supply of a brain improves, and suffered (victim) comes to consciousness more quickly. Under a head to enclose or lay it is necessary nothing: it will reduce entering a blood to a brain and will increase danger to block respiratory ways. If there is no opportunity to lay, it is necessary, that the person has sat down and has low lowered or omitted a head (in an ideal she should be between kolenjami).
There is one little-known, but very good way - to press on akupressurnuju a point (she is on distance 2/3 from a upper lip up to a nose) which restores feeling of equilibrium and causes inflow of energy. Press on it or her an end of the big finger, directing or referring pressure upwards (slightly).
Are very good in such cases and pairs or steams essential oils: they stimulate consciousness, help or assist normal functioning of a brain and heart. Best of such butters - an admixture of a rosemary and camphor and mint butter or oil. It is possible to bring simply a blister or bleb with such butter or oil to a nose of the victim, and it is possible to drip 5 6 drops on a pure or clean handkerchief.
Signs of a hypotension
More often gipotoniki complain of a headache and a giddiness. Meanwhile disturbs their much: a sleeplessness, a joint pain, heart. One more correct attribute of a hypotension - dislike for public transport. Gipotoniki, in particular, hardly transfer or carry the underground. It is necessary to tell or say, that they are improbably dependent on a season and weather: react absolutely to all - fluctuations of atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity of air. It is interesting, that it or him it is better in cold days. Time of day too matters: rise gipotoniki flaccid, not rested, come to life only hour through two. To the middle of day - recession. By the evening - again resuscitation.
To struggle, to not struggle?
To struggle with the lowered pressure there is no sense. Everything, that is necessary, is to lift a vitality. That to you personally lifts it or him and there is your medicine.
If to you it is better after meal, try or taste within day is less, but more often. Strong green tea is very useful.
The alternating douche, only transitions from heat to a cold Helps or Assists should be not sharp, smooth. It is possible to train vessels and in a bath. Only do not abuse her or it: stay in a steam room is more than 12 minutes dangerously.
To breathe fresh air - the best way to be stirred up.
Tinctures on a natural basis - a ginseng, eleuterokokk - too a thing good (if the doctor does not mind).
Take for a rule periodically to measure pressure. It will help or assist to avoid unpleasant surprises, and the main thing - to learn or find out, that vse-taki to you helps or assists: an alternating douche, tincture of a ginseng or listvennichnaja avenue in park.
There Is still a special gymnastics for gipotonikov. She is simple and as assure gipotoniki with the experience, "freshens". We result or bring it or her below.
In a prone position, arms or hand along a trunk, legs or foots straight lines: to relax, easy, slowly to inhale through a nose, to exhale through a mouth. To repeat 5 6 times.
Head to turn to the right. A palm of the right arm or hand to put on the left half of neck, to stroke it or her from an angle of a mandible to a clavicle. The same is done or made with the left arm or hand with the right half of neck. To repeat 2 3 times.
Alternately to stroke palms a forehead from the middle to temples within 30 seconds. Then to pound temples or whisky ends of long fingers - 6 8 times.
Arms or Hand along a trunk, are weakened, to make 3 4 deep inspiration and an exhalation. To have a rest 30 seconds.
Ends of four bent fingers to establish or install above malar bones at a level of corners of eyes and to press all over again strongly, and then is more weak within 6 seconds; a pause of 13 seconds. To repeat 3 4 times.
To close eyes, fingers of both arms or hand to stroke veki from internal corners of eyes to external. To repeat 4 5 times.
Arms or Hand through the parties or sides upwards to connect palms, to be pulled - an inspiration, arms or hand along a trunk - an exhalation. To repeat 4 5 times.
Arms or Hand in the parties or sides - an inspiration to put palms on the bottom department of a thorax, to squeeze - a long exhalation through polusomknutye labiums. To repeat 4 5 times.
Arms or Hand in the parties or sides - an inspiration, slowly exhaling to tighten to a breast that right, the left leg or foot bent in a knee. To repeat 4 5 times.
Inspiration, chin to a breast - an exhalation; an inspiration - exhaling to do or make circular movements by a head to the right; the same - to the left.
To lift a direct leg or foot - an inspiration, to lower or omit - an exhalation. The same - other leg or foot. To repeat 4 5 times.
Inspiration, exhaling to sit down, turn a trunk to the right, to lay down. The same - with turn to the left. To repeat 4 times.
Arms or Hand in the parties or sides - an inspiration to sit down, bend forward, to get fingers of arms or hand stops - an exhalation. To repeat 4 5 times.