Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Recently subtracted or deducted, that massage is counter-indicative at a cellulitis...

17.05.2004, 05:10
The dear doctor! Recently subtracted or deducted, that massage is counter-indicative at a cellulitis that it is necessary to deduce or remove slags and water, to keep nizkokalorajnuju a diet and to use mezo-and lazeroteripiju for liquidation of inspissations. What is this kinds of therapy? Whether also the truth, what massage is inadmissible? It is the book on body building. Author Belsky, referring to the Italian science. Recommend massage only as prophylaxis of a cellulitis. It would be desirable to hear your opinion on this bill. To me 43 years and a cellulitis are. Really late to struggle?

Gorina L.F.
18.05.2004, 07:02
To struggle never late. Massage with special agents is admissible, and here about teraipii - I do not know how much or as far as it to you it is necessary. They have more than contraindications.