Просмотр полной версии : At all a problem how to grow thin, and here on the contrary how to recover (on 5 7 kg), p...

17.05.2004, 08:44
At all a problem how to grow thin, and here on the contrary how to recover (on 5 7 kg), at body height 167 sm-50 kg and so more than 10 years weigh. Prompt that to me to do or make how to recover?

Shapovalova L.M.
17.05.2004, 17:45
Hello, Natalia. You IMT = 17, 9 is nizhnja border of norm or rate - if such weight keeps longly enough - is mysl it or him to support or maintain. It is a lot of it or a little - look or see, please my answer is a little above (Elena and Lyudmila's active discussion on probeme weight reduction from the same digit IMT).