Просмотр полной версии : Dear g-zha Shapovalova L. ! Here you write that production Coral...

Boris, 68 years.
09.05.2004, 11:11
Dear g-zha Shapovalova L. ! Here you write that production Coral club is harmful, allow to disagree with you as I have tested it on myself. I, the healthy person! For forty years of any reference or manipulation to doctors, any tablet. Doctors for me have died out, as mammoths... On that there were weighty reasons...!
22 years of yoga, refusal of meat and fish, later from milk, eggs and a butter, even later from bread, Various techniques of clearing and improvement of an organism: Breg and eon, Malakhov and Semenova, Strelnikov and Frolov, hunger-strike on months, weekly baths and saunas, incalculable quantity or amount of clysters, grassy teas and nastoi, urina in inside including uparennaja swallowed of 3 % peroxide of Hydrogenium and clay!...
It would seem, that could survive, sustain such attack!
And here Supreme has deduced or removed me on " Coral Club "!
Diagnostics, 2 Kolo-Vada Plus!
That is drunk from me for the third day of deep clearing, shocked all my members of household. I was in horror... And it after only...
My God, that there... Inside at mere mortals, devourers of meat and sladkoezhek, fans or amateurs of beer and coffee!
The mankind should be grateful to preparations of the company " Coral Club " and RBC, and the main thing to people, their Genius, for the given opportunity TO SURVIVE! Thanks.
PS. In total for cleaning there can be 7 8 emissions, but even one emission costs or stands the spent money...
My address: boris_v@inbox. ru

11.05.2004, 05:43
Coral club - opium for people!:) people be not bought or purchased on a cheap advertising gimmick! Panaceas for the present are not present. Well it is terminated or over except for... vision!:))))))))))), etc. and t. Item:))))

Shapovalova L.M.
13.05.2004, 13:06
I think, that Boris's letter is possible and necessary to duplicate and its or his experience donost up to sveh who toils durju and poisons or persecutes itself with the "national" it or him "national" and "author's" ways of purification or ablution of an organism. Here before you the person at which on own example was a remarkable occasion to be convinced of an inefficiency of all before applied methods in comparison with simple greater or big doses of laxatives.

17.05.2004, 06:51
Dear Shapovalova L. ! If you have tried or tasted all those methods of purification or ablution which Boris it is doubtless used, you would understand uniqueness of system " KOLO-VADA + ". I know many people who have changed of a state of health owing to this system of clearing.