Просмотр полной версии : Whether prompt, please, it is possible to use Vizinom constantly? Than it is possible...

08.05.2004, 07:49
Whether prompt, please, it is possible to use Vizinom constantly? Than it is possible to replace it or him?

Rzheznikov M.V.
08.05.2004, 14:56
Hello, constantly to use Vizinom it is impossible, if at you reddening fibers of an eye is constantly observed - it is necessary to address to the ophthalmologist.

10.05.2004, 04:15
The dear doctor! I addressed to ophthalmologists repeatedly within several years. Treatment by drops and ointments with antibiotics, Lekrolinom was spent. Handed over the analysis on demodeks - negative. Every morning at me veki from within red, sometimes and fibers of eyes irrespective of, whether I used on the eve cosmetics or not. Long time I use in the mornings Vizinom. Naphthyzinum 0, 05 % (has read through advice or council of the ophthalmologist on the Internet) To a lesser degree helps or assists. What to me to do or make?

Rzheznikov M.V.
10.05.2004, 21:25
And any unpleasant sensations are thus?
Probably, at you the structure or frame of an eyeglobe is those, poverhnosnye vessels are expanded, basically, in it or this no trouble are not present.

12.05.2004, 11:44
There is as though easy or light;mild film or Membranula. Sensations same which happen when it is long rabotaeshna a computer. After zakapyvanija there comes simplification.