Просмотр полной версии : Method on which I grow thin mine, and Montinjaka. If you do not have opportunity...

08.05.2004, 17:49
Method on which I grow thin mine, and Montinjaka. If you do not have opportunity to get its or his book write to me on mail, I shall try to explain as I can, and at a forum it is useless to do or make, t. To. To explain it is necessary much. System Montinjaka is not a diet, it something greater. My address such alisha@fromru. com

10.05.2004, 03:22
Alisha, it is possible to ask, to not put you please name Ness, t. To. Here already saw, what so call me, Belochku))) And with you there will be no mess, in fact you that Alisha, yes?)))) And about Montinjaka - yes, it not a diet, precisely. It is a way of life, it is very raspingly speaking - a separate delivery + specificity. There 2 stages - the first for strengthened pohudanija, and the second - for support of weight, are already enough free image of a delivery, and it or him already use only for conservation of results. One of the most important rules of M, how much or as far as I remember, it not is together carbohydrates and Adepses, and also to separate from reception of peep fruit, to not salt meal... .pravilno, Alisha? Only for the information I shall add, that two my familiar women under 60 years have dumped or reset this method on 10 kg gde-that... .ja with the husband tried or tasted, it or he koe-what had results, and at me - in general the sense has not left...

10.05.2004, 21:27
At me the girlfriend too tried or tasted. I agree with Belochkoj, what is it a way of life. And when at you family and all of them eat as a fur-tree, the separate delivery is very complex or difficult for keeping.