Просмотр полной версии : Devchenki what to do or make. When I have a seat on idetu nachinajutsja constipations......

05.05.2004, 15:23
Devchenki what to do or make. When I have a seat on idetu nachinajutsja constipations...

05.05.2004, 17:19
At any diets nzhno it is obligatory to use qualitative vitaminno-mineral complexes. Constipations speak, that there are problems with an intestine How to help or assist write irinavin@mtu-net. ru

06.05.2004, 06:33
Vitamins here there is nothing. That constipations was not, it is necessary to eat more fats - vegetables and fruit, it is very good also corn-flakes for breakfasts with the greater or big maintenance or contents of a fat or mjuzli. As drink enough of water up to 1.5 litres a day.

The anonym
07.05.2004, 03:12
Olja, do not write to these advertisers, zadolbali. Nata to you correctly speaks, success!

Alexander d
08.05.2004, 05:35
The state of affairs in the modern world is those, that Vitamins are necessary without a diet, and furthermore at diets. Besides vitamins and minerals are building materials of all enzymes of an organism which are responsible for a metabolism of an organism.

As to recommended actions on the use of a fat (it is correct at problems with an intestine), it just and there is a certain diet.

Shapovalova L.M.
09.05.2004, 06:54
Hello, Olja. At a diet, it is really necessary to use more fats, here only mjusli or corn-flakes hardly will approach or suit - many carbohydrates for a diet. I recommend additives on the basis of seeds of a plantain i/or a seed of flax. It is possible to try or taste and simply broth of a seed of flax to use - and in the quantities or amounts providing a normal chair.