Просмотр полной версии : To the father-in-law of 66 years, he has got in failure or accident. Result - a crush of muscles on a leg or foot. To him...

09.05.2004, 02:21
To the father-in-law of 66 years, he has got in failure or accident. Result - a crush of muscles on a leg or foot. To him pump out an accumulating liquid in a knee and have removed or have taken off otmershuju a skin exchange 1215 centimeters. It is possible to recommend what additives in its or his case

Shapovalova L.M.
09.05.2004, 06:52
Hello, Elena. In this case it is obligatory antioxidants that razmozhzhennye tissues did not poison all organism (better from grape ossicles or bonelets). And for a joint in this case probably the most optimum preparation "Osteofleks" from Vitamaksa - drives water, salts and are restored with a joint a little.