Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me of 26 years, on July, 20th was ill with an angina follicularis, treated tse...

07.05.2004, 06:37
Hello. To me of 26 years, on July, 20th was ill with an angina follicularis, treated Cefazolinum. The temperature 39, 7 kept 5 days, was terrible, pieces of pus threw out of a throat at an expectoration with polovinki walnuts. After illness or disease, there was a suspicion on a myocarditis, has passed or has taken place full absledovanie (EKZ, the ECHO, daily monitoring), in rez-those which have found out a little ekstrassistoly, not pathological character. Heart does not disturb me. The matter is that after illness or disease (on the sick-list was 1 month), I feel not as before (earlier I was very vigorous, active, went in for sports, practically did not hurt or be ill;be sick never), terrible weakness, delicacy. First thought, it is what is it simple iz-for illnesses or diseases, drank vitamins, imudon. Only has come to work, as in 4 days again the throat sharply was ill, the pain was same as when was an angina, but here I have taken all measures (rinsed or gargled, splashed Joksom, sucked Faringoseptum and antianginas, did or made a compress on a throat for the night), the status thus was such, as if at me not usual cold, and I lethally sick, hardly moved legs or foots. In three days after struggle against a pharyngalgia, the terrible rhinitis has begun, for the second day of a rhinitis the temperature has risen up to 37, 8. I Feel disgustingly. I drip Sanarin, on former I rinse a throat. Today the third day of a rhinitis. Since morning felt more less. I work, as has just left from the sick-list. I speak very softly, the head hurts. Please, help or assist me. Explanatory or sensible advice or council is necessary to me - that this or thus such is created with my organism?? Is tired to hurt or be ill;be sick. Has bothered to drink tablets. During illness or disease precisely carried out all prescriptions of doctors, has passed or has taken place full course of treatment. Have put me bitsilin. Why I again fall or be ill?? My girlfriend (vrach-the pharmacologist) has made the assumption, that me treated not those antibiotics, and that I in an organism still had microbe " piagennyj strepokokk " and that it or him to kill, she advises me to buy or purchase antibiotic Omoksiklav and to spend on drink it or him 10 on 3 tablets. I in a full bewilderment. To me in a week to fly to Moscow, the important negotiations, it is necessary to be in the good form. And my organism so brings me. How to me to help or assist the organism? How precisely to diagnose illness or disease which me glozhit? I Read now magazine - I think, can be hand over the analysis on hormones of a thyroid gland (TTG) though at me problems like was never? Or here still, revealing of all infections in an organism? I understand, that probably I look or appear ridiculously, but it would be desirable to resolve this problem somewhat quicker. Help or assist, please. Thanks.

Zholudev A.A.
08.05.2004, 21:03
Whether did or made to you smears of fauces and crop on sensitivity to antibiotics? If the antibiotic stole up blindfold, probably infection only "prituhla". It is necessary to repeat inspection - analyses of a blood, urine, a smear with crop on sensitivity to antibiotics. Otherwise you will have a flaccid chronic process. Plus stimulation of immunity is necessary.

09.05.2004, 06:06
No, a smear from fauces on sensitivity to antibiotics did not do or make, only on a diphtheria. And what, about Amoksiklava, whether there is a sense it or him now to spend on drink? Analyses one week ago handed over (the general or common, the analysis of a blood, the analysis wet) - ideal formulas. In it or this that and a problem, with a kind like it's OK. But I am ill or sick! If this antibiotic (amoksiklav) kills this foolish microbe which in me lives, can be try or taste? And what in occasion of stimulation of immunity? How it can be made? I Am going to on arrival from Moscow on nedelku in Abzakovo to go, simply rest - horse walks, can will help or assist? Simply already medicines has bothered to drink. What will advise?