Просмотр полной версии : Today handed over a blood on the analysis, That such albuminous fraction, for what delae...

07.05.2004, 17:20
Today handed over a blood on the analysis, That such albuminous fraction for what this analysis is done or made. The immunogram (handed over platno) was necessary to me, but pochemu-that costed it only 180 rbl. I know, that this analysis is much more dear or expensive. Whether can such be, Or I handed over not clearly what analysis. Excuse for confusion. What is the albuminous fraction?

Doronin V.A.
08.05.2004, 11:45
If to be exact, not albuminous fraction, and albuminous fractions. This analysis reflects a spectrum of fibers in a blood (them are some versions: albumins, 1 globulins, 2 globulins, beta globulins, scale globulins). The level of the general or common fiber is defined or determined, and then the electrophoresis after which maintenance or contents of each albuminous group is made is possible to count up. Change of quantity or amount of any albuminous fraction can testify to any pathological status. For example, the level 2 globulins raises or increases at acute vostpalitelnom process, depression of the maintenance or contents scale of globulins testifies to an immunodeficiency. Detection, so-called, M-a gradient at an electrophoresis can specify some diseases of system of a blood (for example, a multiple myeloma). An immunogram concept wide. Usually this analysis costs or stands more dearly or expensively. All depends on what wanted by your attending physician. There can be a research of any parameters costs or stands so much.