Просмотр полной версии : Three days resembled in sadik, in the evening of the third day the temperature, a throat has risen...

06.05.2004, 12:18
Three days resembled in sadik, in the evening of the third day the temperature has risen, the throat is inflamed. Whether you know, preparations IRS-19, bronhommunal for prophylaxis and treatment ORZ what of them is better for giving the child of three years are how much effective. Whether it is possible to accept them, already having signs of illness or disease. Lena, Maksjusha and Mitjusha

Rzheznikov M.V.
08.05.2004, 02:01
ORZ - usually virus infection, against a virus usual agents do not suit. IRS-19 - a perfect agent, but it is applied as prophylaxis (it is a vaccine). It or he can be applied then. A throat it is possible to splash Geksoralom, Tantumom Verde, temperature (high) to force down preparations of Paracetamolum.

Yours faithfully