Просмотр полной версии : Hello! In our family two cats, every year all of us we leave on a summer residence...

02.05.2004, 21:15
Hello! In our family two cats, every year all of us we leave on a summer residence in this connection deworming by an animal it is spent 4 times a year (unitary we give a tablet alben), and it is accepted dekaris unitary 1 2 times a year. Whether posdkazhite, please, correctly we act, and also whether protects unitary reception albena and dekarisa from an enterobiosis, an ascariasis, a trichinosis, whether it is necessary to be afraid tenial and flukes? nachitalis about parasites... Terribly.
In advance thanks.

04.05.2004, 03:55
Forgive or Excuse, that have written to this conference, wanted simply in "drugstore", it is possible to respond not urgently.

06.05.2004, 12:35
Hello. As a rule Dekaris drink for prophylaxis and treatment gelmintoznyj diseases. Therefore you act correctly, drink Dekaris for adults of 150 mg 2 times a year. Besides protivogelmintnyh properties, he possesses also immunostimulirujushchim action. Yours faithfully, Svetlana Vladimirovna.