Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! We with suprugoj are married 4 years, children at us are not present (while r...

The loser
05.05.2004, 14:04
The dear doctor!
We with suprugoj are married 4 years, children at us are not present (while have decided to not get or start), us disturbs, what very much often after kisses that at it or her at me in a mouth appear small white tochki-jazvochki, which pass or take place in 3 days, it can any incompatibility of our organisms? And more, whether it is possible for us to get or start children in that case? In advance I thank for consultation.

The family doctor
06.05.2004, 08:09
The dear loser! Such jazvochki in an oral cavity can be infectious (often gerpeticheskogo) parentages, can be allergic. If they appear often and longly not zazhivajut-consult at the dermatologist (there are rare or infrequent diseases) In not serious cases mestno it is possible to apply antiseptic (type Sept-o-summer), healing (Type Mundizal-gel, oblepihovoe butter or oil, etc.) In occasion of beremennosti-usual inspection to the future parents + Mb on gerpeticheskuju an infection. It is Less than failures!

06.05.2004, 12:15
The dear Loser, look or see my site www. dr-nona. ru, similar problems are solved, my dr-tatjana@mtu-net. ru address