Просмотр полной версии : Please, advise an effective agent for treatment gelmentov. It is possible...

Ta, 27 years
01.05.2004, 00:02
Please, advise an effective agent for treatment gelmentov. It is possible national agents. It was treated 2 months ago. Now a repeated infection. With what it svjazano-I do not know.

The anonym
01.05.2004, 18:16
Black nut, Paragon, the Carnation - bioadditives of firm VitaLajn.
Ph. (812) 272 00 02
Individual approach
Consultation of the doctor - it is free-of-charge

Elena Nikolaevna
02.05.2004, 23:42
I offer fast and exact inspection. Treatment of 25 days.
(095) - 345 2232 with 9 up to 11 and is 20 till 22 o'clock

Lyudmila Shapovalova, the pharmacologist
04.05.2004, 12:48
It is necessary for you vosstanavlivatimmunitet and flora of an intestine, that this muck would not cling again and again. It would be desirable to know on the basis of what it is diagnosed (the analysis on jajtseglist, or " bioresonant diagnostics ") if the last I advise to hand over anilizy. Important as well than what helminths were treated also. postoe a national, safe and effective agent - the glass of the cleared pumpkin sunflower seeds on an empty stomach during 2 3 h weeks will help or assist will get rid of worms, and further - immunity and flora of an intestine.