Просмотр полной версии : To my mum of 76 years. In a kidney - 40 years a coral stone. Except for that is gipe...

03.05.2004, 19:46
To my mum of 76 years. In a kidney - 40 years a coral stone. Except for that is a hypertonia, a glaucoma, has transferred or carried a microinsult. In March of this year something has occured or happened to her. As a result she it is very strong oslabla, almost all time lays, hardly reaches a toilet. Speaks, that when lays, nothing hurts and if to rise - the back hurts, yes so, what even cannot sit. Our local therapist acceptable does not speak anything. Advise, please what analyses should be made and what organizations can make it domiciliary. And to what doctor then it is necessary to address - to the therapist, the neuropathologist or still where? Thankful in advance.

04.05.2004, 12:33
Dear SERGEJ. If at YOUR mum really tokaja a problem and YOU wish to help or assist her that call. We are always ready to help or assist YOU. Ph. (095) 420 43 35 Yours faithfully Evgenie.