Просмотр полной версии : Zdravsvujte. On your page prochla, that you can give advice or council on primene...

02.05.2004, 00:36
Zdravsvujte. On your page prochla, that you can give advice or council on application nootropnyh and antipsychotic BAD. I such expert unsuccessfully search year for two. At me to the son almost 5 years. A patrimonial hypoxia. Treatment has not received, all have found out on US of a brain later half a year, owing to the pediatrist to whom I have told about the troubles. There was also during sorts or labors a hematencephalon. Now such situation: the child nevropatologicheski is healthy (ascertaining of the expert and not one) and treatment by medicines is not necessary, but there is much problem-a boy restless, erethitic, disturbing or alarming, very bad dream (intermittent), hyperactive. In a year there was a lowered muscle tone, now fiz. razvitie-the bottom border of norm or rate, there was a small backlog in development of speech (has started talking in 2, 5 in 3 was an echolalia), send or have left on norm or rate. Certainly we visit or attend the necessary experts, but I even itself feel, that any preparations are necessary to support or maintain both a brain, and nervous system. Gave earlier according to the neurologist kogitum, the result was, but nervousness so has amplified, that in 3 days have cancelled. Can be eat preparations softer on action. I read clause or article on English site, that to children hyperactive, with problems of development began to give cod-liver oil. But our pediatrist is afraid, that we shall plant or put to the child a liver. And on a dream in general nothing operates or works: neither Valeriana, nor a passionflower. Prompt, please, chto-nibuddlja NANOSECOND and a brain (vit. In I give group). Thanks.

Mironova N.J.
02.05.2004, 12:32
Nina, communicate with me on el. To mail with inquiry test-maps. It is necessary to specify problems of the child. I shall send the program with application BAD and homeopathies (free of charge), but BAD what will approach or suit you, instead of from the point of view of any company.
Yours faithfully, Natalia Jurevna, vrach-a homeopathist, dietolog-nutritsiolog (I advise on konf. "Homeopathist"), altermir@mail. ru

Shapovalova L.M.
03.05.2004, 06:10
Hello, Nina. Very regrettably, that Niratalja JUrevna the references gives only by mail. I would recommend you first of all a lecithine - it or him it is possible practically for all children and additives from cod-liver oil - only nez to a liver, and from tushki holodnovodnogo a salmon (in an ideal from a plankton - dokozogeksaenovuju an acid, but on the Russian market it or her yet do not deliver). The dream can to try be adjusted melatoninom or 5 gidroksitriptofanom. Very much I recommend to make the analysis on a dysbacteriosis and a smear of fauces on flora - here there can be additional factors strengthening neurologic simtomatiku. My lms@fromru. com address

Mironova N.J.
04.05.2004, 09:32
Lyudmila Mihajlovna, I has not understood, what vyzyvaei your regret? Yours faithfully, Natalia Jurevna, altermir@mail. ru